
Showing posts from November, 2021

Top Reasons to Work in Commissioning, Qualification and Validation

commissioning management systems software , acronymed as CQV, is a significant area of business that offers an interesting and gainful career boost to process and chemical engineers. In short, CQV engineering provides talented candidates with ample career growth opportunities. Keep reading to know what makes CQV an excellent career option. Understanding CQV Recent stats depict that the life sciences industry in the UK employs 248,400 professionals, which include people working in CQV as well. CQV – as an important field of life sciences – is basically a process within the pharma sector that focuses on equipment.  It helps ensures equipment, systems and facilities fulfil design requirements that are in place for end users. If a person installs any type of equipment inside a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility, they require to record the process of operation and installation as well as its performance. Essentially, CQV focuses on the performance of equipment installed.    Ne

Commissioning to Facilitate Community Building & Development

According to the book, “Asset-Based Commissioning: Better Outcomes, Better Value,” asset-based commissioning is an approach that enables communities and people, along with organisations, to become equal co-producers and co-commissioners while making best complimentary use of every asset, via self-help, to enhance individual lives as well as community outcomes. The 2010 report, “A Glass Half Full” by the Local Government Association (LGA), suggested that commissioning should come up with approaches to facilitate community building and community development, and world-class commissioning should: Be in line with the initiatives that focus on wellbeing and place-shaping Promote involvement at the population-level, not just in the commissioning process, but also to decide the activities to be commissioned Facilitate co-production of health care with 3rd-sector users and organisations Consider ways to invest in long-term outcomes and measure outcomes. Three individual ‘policy strands’ in soc