Who Must Ready PFC Documentation – Commissioning Firm or Contractor?

A commissioning firm is a third party that works directly for a project owner, making sure the commissioning is impartial while following the best practices and fulfilling the owner's project requirements.

Finishing PFC Documentation Prerogative of Commissioning Provider

The fact of the matter is commissioning documentation should be prepared by a leading commissioning management company and not by contractors.

Often what happens is that PFCs (pre-functional or construction checklists) are handed over to construction team members who then share the same with subcontractors. The subcontractors in turn ask the installation contractors to finalise the PFCs and send the commissioning document back for review.

This makes the commissioning management corporation's job more complicated as they have to run after the construction team members to go through and approve the documentation.

When contractors are given the onus of completing commissioning documentation, the project owner does not get to leverage commissioning optimally.

When a commissioning provider readies the commissioning documentation, they are required to become completely familiar with  equipment choice and specifications, installation needs of the manufacturer, design details, limitations vis-à-vis future access etc. and document their findings clearly and concisely. The documentation then reaches the project team that is required to identify possible issues and share their concerns in commissioning coordination meetings. 

When a commission provider prepares PFC documentation, potential problems can be spotted and solved much faster. The documentation too is prepared in a detailed manner and the commission provider ends up winning the trust of the contractors. The project team too can take heart from the neutral quality control guaranteed through proper commissioning and go ahead with executing the necessary tasks.    

Contractors already have enough on their plate. So, when someone else reviews the installation details, they stand a better chance of finding errors or omissions. 

Role of Contractors in Commissioning Process

Contractors are required that they furnish a commissioning management corporation with the essential equipment and start-up papers, remain present when PFC site visits take place and carry out the necessary repairs when there is a noticeable disparity between installation and design.

Finishing Commissioning Documentation No Child's Play

Good commissioning necessitates having a proper database of mechanical equipment like boilers, cooling towers, air handlers etc. and in fact every possible MEP apparatus in a commercial establishment. It also demands know-how of the best practices vis-à-vis engineering as well facilities operation to make sure the eventual system selection fulfils the owner's project needs.

A leading commissioning management company draws on the details present in contract drawings and custom installation best practices to ensure optimal functioning of equipment. Some of the things that they do are as follows:

  • Make sure equipment is not bereft of isolation valves that are worked on during servicing.
  • Labelling disconnects and making them accessible. 
  • Ensuring proper support for pipe fittings.
  • Installing protective shrouds.
  • Do piping in such a way that changing coils does not cause any hassle.

Even a veteran commissioning provider may take a fair amount of time to complete commissioning documentation. So you can imagine how difficult it is going to be for a contractor who is already burdened with other responsibilities. Efficiency, precision, impartial views, through verification – these are the factors that should encourage you to get your commissioning documentation completed by a commissioning agent.

Difference in Overall Cost

Handing over the responsibility of completing commissioning documentation to a commissioning provider may increase the commissioning budget but this can be made up by deducting the same from the resources apportioned for contractors. This decision should be made in the pre-bid meeting itself so that contractors know of it from the outset. 


Contractors work a lot more freely when they are exempted from the responsibility of completing commissioning documentation. The project owner too can breathe easy as the thought that their project will be commissioned by a thorough professional is going to give them a lot of mental peace.

So, now when you have a project that comprises commissioning as well, you know who you have to get it done from.


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